
DE – Jury Präsidentin Kurzfilmwettbewerb – SOLEEN YUSEF
Soleen Yusef wurde 1987 in Duhok, im kurdischen Teil des Irak geboren. Im Alter von neun Jahren flüchtete sie mit ihrer Familie aus politischen Gründen nach Deutschland. Ab 2008 studierte sie an der Filmakademie Baden- Württemberg szenische Regie. HAUS OHNE DACH ist zugleich ihr Debüt als auch Diplomfilm an der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg und wurde im Frühjahr 2015 in und um ihre Heimatstadt Duhok gedreht. Seitdem war Soleen Yusef für mehrere internationale Serienproduktionen als Regisseurin tätig. Unter anderem im Auftrag von NETFLIX und AMAZON PRIME. Neben der Entwicklung eigener Kinofilme und Serien,- bzw. Fernsehprojekte, erfüllt sich Soleen Yusef derzeit einen langersehnten Traum und schreibt an dem Kinderfilm SIEGER SEIN, den sie zusammen mit DCM Pictures realisiert.
EN – Jury President Short Film Competition – SOLEEN YUSEF
Soleen Yusef was born in 1987, in Duhok/Iraqi Kurdistan. At the age of nine she and her family had to flee to Germany because of the political circumstances. HOUSE WITHOUT ROOF, which is not only her graduating project but also her first feature film, that has been shot in spring 2015 within and around her hometown Duhok, could achieve a great success. Since then, Soleen Yusef has been working as a director for several international series productions. Among others for NETFLIX and AMAZON PRIME. In addition to developing her own cinema, serial and television projects as a creator, Soleen Yusef is currently fulfilling a long-awaited dream with writing her first children’s film called WINNERS, which will be produced by DCM Pictures.
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Soleen Yusef 1987 yılında Güney Kürdistan’nın Duhok şehrinde dünyaya geldi. Politik atmosfer ve sebeplerden kaynaklı yaşadığı yeri ailesi ile birlikte 9 yaşındayken terketmek zorunda kaldı ve Almanyaya yerleştiler. Kendisi liseyi Berlinde bitirdi sonrasında sarkıcı ve oyunculuk eğitimi için sahne sanatları akademisine katıldı. Bu arada, modacı olarak aldığı eğitimini de bitirdi ve farklı yaratıcı alanlardaki uzmanlığını denedi. Sonunda sinema endüstrisinde çalışmaya başladı ve Mîtosfilm’de bir süre yapımcı ve yönetmen asistanı oldu. 2008 yılında BadenWurttemberg Film Akademisi’nde uzun metraj film yönetmenliği okumaya başladı. Eğitiminin üçüncü yılında çektiği TRATTORIA filminin galası 2012’de 62. Berlin Uluslararası Film Festivali’nde yapıldı. Soleen Yusef, olağanüstü akademik başarıları nedeniyle 2012 yılında Almanya Bursu almaya hak kazandı. 2013 yılında Los Angeles Film Akademisi’nde UCLA Workshop’a burslu olarak katıldı. HOUSE WITHOUT ROOF, 2015 ilkbaharında memleketi Duhok’un içinde ve çevresinde çekildi bu film sadece mezuniyet projesi değil aynı zamanda kendisinin ilk uzun metrajlı filmi ve büyük bir başarı elde etti. O zamandan beri, Soleen Yusef birçok uluslararası dizi yapımında yönetmen olarak çalıştı ve devam etmekte. NETFLIX ve AMAZON PRIME gibi büyük film şirketleride bu firmalar arasında. Soleen Yusef kendi sinema, dizi ve televizyon projelerini geliştirmenin yanı sıra, yapımcılığını DCM Pictures tarafından gerçekleştirilecek WINNERS adlı ilk çocuk filmini yazarak uzun zamandır beklenen bir hayalini gerçekleştiriyor.

DE- Jury Kurzfilmwettbewerb – NAZMI KIRIK
Nazmi Kırık wurde 1976 in Diyarbakır (Amed) geboren. Wegen seiner Arbeit bei beim Mesopotamien-Kulturzentrum (MKM) wurde Kirik viele Male festgenommen und verhaftet. Nach 7 Monate im Gefängnis in Diyarbakır kam er nach seiner Entlassung nach Istanbul. Seit 1996 setzte er sein Theater- und Tanzstudium in Istanbul im dortigen MKM fort. 2003 gründete er mit einer Gruppe von Freunden den Seyr-i Mesel Art Workshop. Seine Filmkarriere begann 1999 mit dem JOURNEY TO THE SUN, von Yeşim Ustaoğlu. Der Film erhielt mehrere Auszeichnungen, darunter den Friedenspreis der Berlinale. 2003 trat er mit dem Film “Küçük Özgürlük” unter der Regie von Yüksel Yavuz in der Sektion Director’s Fortnight in Cannes auf.
2005 war er als Bester Schauspieler mit dem Film KILOMETRE ZERO von Hiner Saleem im offiziellen Wettbewerb in Cannes nominiert. 2012 spielte Kırık in Hüseyin Tabaks IHRE SCHÖNHEIT IST NICHTS WERT, der auf weltweiten Filmfestivals mehrfach ausgezeichnet wurde. Ein weiterer Höhepunkt in Nazmis Karriere ist MEMORIES ON STONE (2014) von Shawkat Amin Korki. Der Film war offizieller Oscar-Beitrag aus dem Irak und gewann unter anderem den UNESCO-Preis bei den Asian Pacific Screen Awards. Nazmi lebt und arbeitet mittlerweile seit mehreren Jahren in Deutschland.
EN – Jury Short Film Competition – NAZMI KIRIK
Nazmi Kırık was born in Diyarbakır (Amed) in 1976. During his education, he began studying theater and dance in the Diyarbakır at the Mesopotamia Cultural Center (MKM). During this time he took part in many plays. He has been arrested many times for his work at MKM. After 7 months in Diyarbakır Prison, he was released and went to Istanbul. Since 1996 he has continued his theater and dance studies in Istanbul at the local MKM. In 2003 he founded the Seyr-i Mesel Art Workshop together with a group of friends.
His film career began in 1999 with the JOURNEY TO THE SUN, by Yeşim Ustaoğlu. The film received several awards, including the Berlinale Peace Prize. In 2003 he appeared with the film “Küçük Özgürlük”, directed by Yüksel Yavuz, in the Director’s Fortnight section in Cannes. In 2005 he was nominated for Best Actor with the film KILOMETRE ZERO by Hiner Saleem in the official competition in Cannes. In 2012, Kırık played in Hüseyin Tabaks YOUR BEAUTY IS NOT WORTHY, which has won several awards at worldwide film festivals. Another highlight in Nazmi’s career is MEMORIES ON STONE (2014) by Shawkat Amin Korki. The film was the official Oscar entry from Iraq and won, among other prizes, the UNESCO prize at the Asian Pacific Screen Awards. Nazmi is now living and working in Germany since several years.
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Nazmi Kırık 1976 yılında Diyarbakır’da (Amed) doğdu. Eğitimi sırasında Mezopotamya Kültür Merkezi Diyarbakır şubesinde tiyatro ve dans çalışmalarına başladı. Bu süre içerisinde pek çok oyunda yer aldı. MKM’deki çalışmalarından dolayı defalarca gözaltına alındı ve tutuklandı. 7 ay Diyarbakır cezaevinde kalan Kırık cezaevinden çıktıktan sonra İstanbul’a geldi .1996 dan itibaren tiyatro ve dans çalışmalarına Mezopotamya Kültür Merkezi bünyesinde İstanbul’da devam etti. 2003 yılında bir grup arkadaşıyla Seyr-i Mesel Sanat Atölyesinin kuruluşunda yer aldı.
1999’da rol aldığı “Güneşe Yolculuk” filmiyle sinema kariyeri başladı. “Güneşe Yolculuk” filmi aynı yıl Berlin Film Festivalinden Blue Angel ve Peace ödülleriyle döndü. 2003’te Yüksel Yavuzun yönettiği “Küçük Özgürlük” filmiyle Cannes Film Festivali Yönetmenler Bölümünde izleyicinin karşısına çıktı. 2005’te Huner Saleemin yönettiği Kilometer Zero filmiyle Cannes Film Festivali resmi yarışma bölümünde en iyi erkek oyuncu adayı olarak yarıştı. 2012 yılında Hüseyin Tabak’ın dünya çapındaki film festivallerinde birçok ödül kazanan filmi YOUR BEAUTY IS WORTH NOTHİNG de yer aldı. Nazmi’nin kariyerindeki bir diğer önemli nokta ise Şevket Amin Korki’nin 2014 yılında yaptığı MEMORİES ON STONE. Film Irak’tan resmi Oscar adayı oldu ve diğer birçok ödülün yanı sıra Asian Pacific Screen Awards’ta UNESCO ödülünü kazandı. Nazmi Kırık çalışmalarına Türkiye ve Almanya’da devam ediyor.

DE – Jury Kurzfilmwettbewerb – THOMAS KÖßLER
Thomas Kößler interessierte sich von früh auf für alles, mit dem man nur schwer viel Geld verdienen kann. Folgerichtig studierte er Medienwissenschaft mit einem Fokus auf Filmgeschichte und Italienische Literaturwissenschaft. In Berlin arbeitete er sieben Jahre lang als Projektkoordinator in den Branchen Filmverleih und Filmproduktion. In dieser Zeit engagierte sich Thomas auch in mehreren Jahrgängen für das Kurdische Filmfestival in Berlin und zuletzt auch in Duhok. Da nach sieben Jahren im Leben oft Veränderungen anstehen, folgten den Berliner Jahren zwei Jahre in Kairo als Medienberater des dortigen Landwirtschaftsministeriums, sowie vier weitere Jahre in Erbil als Leiter des Goethe-Instituts im Irak. Seit August 2020 ist Thomas wieder in Berlin als freier Kulturmanager und Berater mit Schwerpunkt Film tätig.
EN – Jury Short Film Competition – THOMAS KÖßLER
Since his youth, Thomas Kößler has been interested in every subject which is not easy to earn lots of money with. Accordingly, he studied media studies with a focus on film history and Italian literature. Following his studies, he was working in Berlin for seven years as a project coordinator in the film distribution and film production industries. During this time, Thomas was also involved in several editions of the Kurdish Film Festival Berlin and most recently at the International Film Festival in Duhok. Since changes in life often pend in a seven year course, the Berlin years were followed by two years in Cairo as media advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture, and four more years in Erbil as director of the Goethe Institute Iraq. Since August 2020 Thomas is back in Berlin as a freelance cultural manager and consultant with a focus on film.
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Thomas Kößler, gençliğinden beri fazla para kazanmanın mümkün olmadığı birçok konuyla ilgilenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, sinema tarihi ve İtalyan edebiyatı odaklı medya çalışmaları okudu. Çalışmalarının ardından yedi yıl boyunca Berlin’de film dağıtım ve film prodüksiyon sektörlerinde proje koordinatörü olarak çalıştı. Bu süre zarfında Thomas, Berlin Kürt Film Festivali’nin farklı gösterim yıllarında ve son olarak Duhok’taki Uluslararası Film Festivali’nde yer aldı. Yaşamdaki değişikliklerden kaynaklı , Berlin yıllarının ardından Kahire’de Tarım Bakanlığı’nın medya danışmanı olarak iki yıl ve dört yıl da Irak Goethe Enstitüsü’nün yöneticisi olarak Erbil’de çalıştı. Ağustos 2020’den bu yana Thomas, film odaklı serbest kültür yöneticisi ve danışman olarak Berlin’e geri döndü.

Am 10. September präsentieren wir HAUS OHNE DACH von Soleen Yusuf

Haus ohne Dach von Soleen Yusuf
jetzt online ab 10.09.2020
Die Geschwister LIYA, JAN und ALAN, die im kurdischen Gebiet des Irak geboren und in Deutschland aufgewachsen sind, wollen ihrer Mutter den letzten Wunsch erfüllen, sie in ihrem Heimatdorf zu beerdigen. Auf ihrer nervenaufreibenden Kurdistan-Odyssee werden sie nicht nur mit ihrer kurdischen Großfamilie, sondern vor allem mit ihren eigenen Sorgen konfrontiert. In den letzten Jahren haben sie sich voneinander distanziert. In ihrem Mutterland steuern sie unverhofft auf eine zwischenmenschliche Katastrophe zu.
The siblings LIYA, JAN and ALAN who were born in the Kurdish area of Iraq and grew up in Germany want to fulfil their mother’s last wish to bury her in her home village. On their nerve-wracking Kurdish-odyssey they are not only faced with their Kurdish extended family but particularly with their own matters. In recent years they distanced from each other. In their home country the dimension of an awful conflict, that nobody can surmise, is heading for disaster.
Watch it now online . We will present a new film every week until Nov.30 !!

Now you can watch memories on stone from your home
Film by: Shawkat Amin Korki
After the fall of the military regime in Iraq, childhood friends Hussein and Alan decide to make a feature film about the Kurdish genocide. Shooting in the conditions of post-war Kurdistan turns into an absolute nightmare – it is impossible to find a female lead. When they find the perfect actress- Sinor- young, beautiful passionate, they face a difficult situation: it turns out that Sinor’s desire to participate in the filming is not enough – first she needs to get permission from her family, who, it turns out, do not consider filming at all suitable for a girl from a noble family …
Nach dem Sturz Saddam Husseins im Irak, beschließen die kurdischen Jugendfreunde Hussein und Alan einen Film über die Anfal Operationen, den Genozid des irakischen Regimes gegen die kurdische Bevölkerung im Nordirak, zu drehen. Aber das Filmemachen im Nachkriegskurdistan ist kein einfaches Spiel und die schwierigste Aufgabe scheint das Finden der weiblichen Hauptdarstellerin. Doch dann taucht plötzlich Sinur auf: jung, schön und vom Projekt begeistert. Aber Sinur kann nicht alleine entscheiden: ihr Cousin Hiwar und sein Vater, Onkel Hamid, haben ihr Schicksal in der Hand. Die Probleme werden immer größer, sie haben kein Geld mehr, aber Hussein und Alan opfern alles um weiterdrehen zu können. Doch dann, in einem tragischen Moment, wird Hussein während des Drehs der finalen Szene angeschossen. Die größte Frage von allen: Wird es der Film jemals auf die Leinwand schaffen?
Di sala 1973ê ha- tiye ser dinyayê. Bi eslê xwe ji Zaxo ye li Herêma Kurdistanê. Malbata wî li sala 1975ê ji ber zilma leşkerê Îraqê reviya Îranê û li wir 25 salan wekî biyaniyekî li wir jiya. Wî sînema xwandiye û li sala 2006ê bi yekemîn filmê xwe li başûrê Kurdistanê li ser astê navneteweyî hat nasîndan.
Filmê wî Bîranên Ser Keviran mezin- tirîn serkeftinê Korki bû. Film hijmarek baş ji xelatên naventewî sitandin. û ji wan xelata UNESCO (Asia Pacific Screen Awards) û baştirîn filmê cîhana ereb (Abu Dhabi Film


We continue our Kurdish Film series with the award winning documentary THE LEGEND oF THE UGLY KING by Hüsseyn Tabak about Yilmaz Güney.
Who was Yilmaz Güney? A highly talented director? A revolutionary? A murderer? A genius or a lunatic?
Young director Hüseyin Tabak is searching for answers
The regular festival will take place in Berlin from October 08th to 14th. Additionally an exclusive selection of our best films from the last ten years will be delivered to your home Until the end of this year.
Reseba – The Dark Wind opens Online Anniversary Special

We officially startet our Kurdish Film Series with Reseba the Dark Wind by Hussein Hasan. Watch it now online . We will present a new film every week !!
The first film about the Ezidi people
Based on true events
reseba / the dark wind will be released online on August 15th
A young Yazidi couple struggle during the Islamic State’s attacks on Sinjar and the massacre that follows.
As Mehmet Aktaş said
„Before we shot the film we came here many times. In fact we had a strong motivation to do this film and we were very welcome by the Yazidi people. They taught us a lot about their religion … it was always important show the truth with all the support and discussions with the Yazidi people … we completed with them the script.“

Das Kurdische Filmfestival Berlin feiert in diesem Jahr 10jähriges Jubiläum. Aufgrund von Corona richten wir erstmals eine Online Edition des Festivals ein. Hier bringen wir als Dankeschön für unser treues Publikum eine exklusive Auswahl kurdischen Filmschaffens der letzten 10 Festival Editionen zu euch nach Hause.
Auf unser Online Plattform werden wir ab August jede Woche einen Film der Sonder Edition vorstellen.
Zugang zu dem Exklusiven Programm erhaltet ihr zusätzlich zum offiziellen Festival Programm durch eine Premium Mitgliedschaft.
Beteiligt euch mit einer Solidarität Mitgliedschaft an dem Kurdischen Film Festival Berlin und erhaltet als Dankeschön handverlesene Highlights der letzten zehn Jahre Kurdisches Film Festival Berlin!
The Kurdish Film Festival Berlin celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Due to Corona, we are setting up an online edition of the festival for the first time. As a thank you for our loyal audience, we are bringing an exclusive selection of Kurdish films from the last 10 festival editions to your home.
On our online platform we will present a film of the special edition every week from August on.
Access to the exclusive program is available through a Premium Membership in addition to the official festival program.
Participate in the Kurdish Film Festival Berlin with a Solidarity Membership and receive handpicked highlights of the last ten years Kurdish Film Festival Berlin!